itled The Five Love Languages. This book points out that each of us has a love language. By love language I mean the way you perceive, receive, and communicate love. Although each of us fit into one of more of the love language categories the way we articulate those languages may be different. And there are at least three things that impact how you perceive, receive, and communicate love: your Engagements, Education, and Experiences. Your relationship fingerprint identifies you.
2. Your Relationship Fingerprint Impacts - There are three things that impact how you perceive, receive, and communicate love. Knowledge of them will help you to better understand why and how you flow in relationships. They are:
a) Your Relationship Fingerprint Engagements - The people you engage with regularly can play a significant role in how you do relationship. Have you heard the saying "birds of a feather flock together?" Well that is only half of the saying. The saying in its entirety is "birds of a feather flock together and they're all headed in the same direction." The company you keep will influence what you think, say, and do in relationships.
b) Your Relationship Fingerprint Education - This learning is from the School of Life. Did you ever hear your parent(s) say "do as I say not as I do?" Well it typically does not work that way. Children tend to grow up and do exactly what their parents did. Why? Because more is caught than what is taught. Science calls it learned behavior.
c) Your Relationship Fingerprint Experiences - Imagine that there is a crowd of people who walk into a room full of chairs. The first person sits down and all of a sudden the chair wobbles, breaks, and sends the person crashing to the floor. What do you think everyone who saw that will do before sitting? That's right. They are going to check to see if the chair is broken prior to sitting down. You see
Our fingers have a print and those prints testify to our uniqueness. No two people have the same fingerprints. In other words, our fingerprint is our identification card (ID). Scripture says it like this "we are fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalms 139:14). Fingerprints develop early in life. They grow in the womb and remain with you to the tomb. It is also believed that one's fingerprints help to hold on to things and aid in our sense of touch. I call it our "feelers." As you can see, fingerprints add value. The same is true regarding your relationship fingerprint. Let me explain:
1. Your Relationship Fingerprint Is Your ID - Gary Chapman wrote a book entitled The Five Love Languages. This book points out that each of us has a love language. By love language I mean the way you perceive, receive, and communicate love. Although each of us fit into one of more of the love language categories the way we articulate those languages may be different. And there are at least three things that impact how you perceive, receive, and communicate love: your Engagements, Education, and Experiences. Your relationship fingerprint identifies you.
2. Your Relationship Fingerprint Impacts - There are three things that impact how you perceive, receive, and communicate love. Knowledge of them will help you to better understand why and how you flow in relationships. They are:
a) Your Relationship Fingerprint Engagements - The people you engage with regularly can play a significant role in how you do relationship. Have you heard the saying "birds of a feather flock together?" Well that is only half of the saying. The saying in its entirety is "birds of a feather flock together and they're all headed in the same direction." The company you keep will influence what you think, say, and do in relationships.
b) Your Relationship Fingerprint Education - This learning is from the School of Life. Did you ever hear your parent(s) say "do as I say not as I do?" Well it typically does not work that way. Children tend to grow up and do exactly what their parents did. Why? Because more is caught than what is taught. Science calls it learned behavior.
c) Your Relationship Fingerprint Experiences - Imagine that there is a crowd of people who walk into a room full of chairs. The first person sits down and all of a sudden the chair wobbles, breaks, and sends the person crashing to the floor. What do you think everyone who saw that will
Your Relationship Fingerprint Is Your ID - Gary Chapman wrote a book ent
itled The Five Love Languages. This book points out that each of us has a love language. By love language I mean the way you perceive, receive, and communicate love. Although each of us fit into one of more of the love language categories the way we articulate those languages may be different. And there are at least three things that impact how you perceive, receive, and communicate love: your Engagements, Education, and Experiences. Your relationship fingerprint identifies you.
2. Your Relationship Fingerprint Impacts - There are three things that impact how you perceive, receive, and communicate love. Knowledge of them will help you to better understand why and how you flow in relationships. They are:
a) Your Relationship Fingerprint Engagements - The people you engage with regularly can play a significant role in how you do relationship. Have you heard the saying "birds of a feather flock together?" Well that is only half of the saying. The saying in its entirety is "birds of a feather flock together and they're all headed in the same direction." The company you keep will influence what you think, say, and do in relationships.
b) Your Relationship Fingerprint Education - This learning is from the School of Life. Did you ever hear your parent(s) say "do as I say not as I do?" Well it typically does not work that way. Children tend to grow up and do exactly what their parents did. Why? Because more is caught than what is taught. Science calls it learned behavior.
c) Your Relationship Fingerprint Experiences - Imagine that there is a crowd of people who walk into a room full of chairs. The first person sits down and all of a sudden the chair wobbles, breaks, and sends the person crashing to the floor. What do you think everyone who saw that will do before sitting? That's right. They are going to check to see if the chair is broken prior to sitting down. You see
Our fingers have a print and those prints testify to our uniqueness. No two people have the same fingerprints. In other words, our fingerprint is our identification card (ID). Scripture says it like this "we are fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalms 139:14). Fingerprints develop early in life. They grow in the womb and remain with you to the tomb. It is also believed that one's fingerprints help to hold on to things and aid in our sense of touch. I call it our "feelers." As you can see, fingerprints add value. The same is true regarding your relationship fingerprint. Let me explain:
1. Your Relationship Fingerprint Is Your ID - Gary Chapman wrote a book entitled The Five Love Languages. This book points out that each of us has a love language. By love language I mean the way you perceive, receive, and communicate love. Although each of us fit into one of more of the love language categories the way we articulate those languages may be different. And there are at least three things that impact how you perceive, receive, and communicate love: your Engagements, Education, and Experiences. Your relationship fingerprint identifies you.
2. Your Relationship Fingerprint Impacts - There are three things that impact how you perceive, receive, and communicate love. Knowledge of them will help you to better understand why and how you flow in relationships. They are:
a) Your Relationship Fingerprint Engagements - The people you engage with regularly can play a significant role in how you do relationship. Have you heard the saying "birds of a feather flock together?" Well that is only half of the saying. The saying in its entirety is "birds of a feather flock together and they're all headed in the same direction." The company you keep will influence what you think, say, and do in relationships.
b) Your Relationship Fingerprint Education - This learning is from the School of Life. Did you ever hear your parent(s) say "do as I say not as I do?" Well it typically does not work that way. Children tend to grow up and do exactly what their parents did. Why? Because more is caught than what is taught. Science calls it learned behavior.
c) Your Relationship Fingerprint Experiences - Imagine that there is a crowd of people who walk into a room full of chairs. The first person sits down and all of a sudden the chair wobbles, breaks, and sends the person crashing to the floor. What do you think everyone who saw that will
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