Drug Addiction Treatment Centre in Lahore

Author : ghamkolrehab
Publish Date : 2021-03-27 10:27:31
Drug Addiction Treatment Centre in Lahore


Drug addiction is an addiction to drugs. It is the excessive and abusive consumption of toxic substances, also called SPA. SPA alters the functions of the brain. There are three types.
1. Stimulants, which speed up the body’s normal process, such as cocaine, amphetamines, coffee, energy drinks, tobacco, etc.
2. Hallucinogens, which alter perceptions and judgment, such as LSD and cannabis.
3. Depressants, which provide a feeling of relaxation, such as alcohol, sleeping pills, medication, etc.
Drug addiction affects all spheres of the addict’s life. This is harmful to those who are born with him and also to those who are around him. Solutions and treatments are available to overcome this disease.

What are the signs of drug addiction?

There are three stages of consumption these are the following: recreational, risky, and the last one is drug use. The last level is drug addiction. Drug addiction is the most serious type of addiction person will lose their life and they will not control their freedoms. Day by day he uses drugs and life should be at risk. 
The result is addiction. To prevent prevention addiction, the signs of drug dependence should be recognized from the second level of consumption, ie from risky use. At this point, a person uses no recreationally along: They use it Because They need it, purpose They Are at Risk of Developing drug addiction problems.

Drug Addiction Treatment Centre in Lahore

What are the signs of drug addiction?

• Behavioral changes: The behaviors of a person with a drug addiction can be altered. The person can become scratchy, reckless, they can isolate themselves and neglect their appearance and impulsive, etc.
• Loss of interest: Drug addiction overnight exchange has a person’s interest in activities and hobbies That Were oz popular.
• physical signs: drug addiction sometimes have red eyes, lose their body control, they will lose their freedoms and wishes they will face memory loss problems.

The causes of addiction can be various: from the environment in which a person grew up to genetics or dating. It is important to know how to recognize the state of our consumption in order to prevent addiction.
The Myths and Realities of Drug Addiction
In our minds, there are many misunderstandings about drug addiction. These are often wrongly propagated by believing it to be a real fact.

 here are few stories about drug addiction.

Myth # 1: drug addicts don’t have a job and are lazy
This is the most common myth. Indeed, anyone can become addicted to drugs, including doctors, lawyers, and teachers. The causes of addiction vary with each person.
Myth # 2: There are no solutions available for people with drug addiction
Although addiction is a chronic illness that can come back at any time, the treatments available to regain control of one’s life are effective. People addicted to drugs change their lifestyle and, with the help and treatment offered, can overcome their greatest demon.

Treatment steps:

The overall stages of the treatments offered are the same for all patients: it is then that we personalize the treatment according to each individual’s situation. When a patient needs to be treated for drug addiction, our treatment experts go through a series of steps that allow them to fully understand each person’s condition.
1. Evaluation
2. Individual therapy
3. Group therapy
4. Family support
At the GHAMKOL decent rehab center in Lahore, we offer an internal program of 6 weeks and an external program of a minimum of 12 weeks. For both programs, the objectives are to promote the rehabilitation of patients through learning. During the healing process, the patient will be able to:
1. Understand that your addiction is a disease
2. Understand the consequences of his dependence on his life and that of those around him
3. Develop an abstinence plan and a relapse prevention plan according to your situation
4. Learn to deal with the warning signs and triggers of relapse.
Following the internal program, the patients of the GHAMKOL decent rehab center follow an external program for a minimum of 12 weeks during which people will have weekly follow-ups with our treatment experts. The objective of the outpatient program is to prepare the patient to return to his living environment.

Category : general

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