For property cases you may hire the best advocate in Pakistan from law firm in Lahore Jamila Law Associates. To commence, carry on, or defend all actions and other proceedings concerning my property or any part about anything in which I may be a party through the best advocate in Pakistan from law firm in Lahore. To accept the transfer of any stocks, funds shares, annuities, and other securities which shall or may at any time hereafter transferred to me.
To state, settle, adjust, compound, compromise or submit to arbitration all actions, suits, accounts, claims, and disputes between me and any other person or persons. To vote at any Company's meetings, attorney, or proxy regarding any stocks, shares, or other investments now held or which may hereafter be acquired by me in such company. To carry into effect and perform all agreements and Contracts, It was entered into by me with any other person or persons. To draw, endorse and sign any cheques, dividend or interest warrants, or other investments payable to me, and to sign my name and execute on my behalf all contracts, instruments whatsoever transfers, assignments, deeds, and instruments whatsoever through the best advocate in Pakistan from law firm in Lahore. To concur in doing any of the acts and things hereinbefore mentioned in conjunction with any other person or persons. To pay and discharge debts, or any part of them, contracted by my said attorney or me, and calls upon shares and any expenses and outgoings in respect of any of my property, as my said attorney shall from time to time think proper to pay and discharge.
To purchase through the best advocate in Pakistan from law firm in Lahore or take on lease for me and my benefit any property whatever as my said attorney shall think proper. To appoint, transfer, suspend and remove at pleasure any employee or agent under my said attorney upon such terms as he, my said attorney, shall think fit and generally to do, execute and perform any other a whatever which in the opinion of my said attorney directed and performed about my property or in or about my concerns, engagements, and business, as fully and effectually in all respects I could do same if I were personally present. Or any substitute or substitutes, or agent or agents appointed by him under the Power in that behalf hereinbefore contained shall do or purport to do by this deed through the best advocate in Pakistan from law firm in Lahore. In Witness of Which, I, the said AB, have here to signed (or, put my signature. Witness_
This Powers of attorney made the.... day of.... by me, AB, of, etc. Whereas I have obtained this day from CD, of, etc., the sum of Rs... As and by way of loan agreeing to repay the same with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per centum per annum: and whereas it has decided between me and the said CD would be authorized by me to sell my house No. (Or, etc.) Our best lawyer in Lahore Pakistan is here for services of property cases.
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