Sleep paralysis: Causes, symptoms, and tips

Author : maxmarkle44
Publish Date : 2021-04-15 13:43:22
Sleep paralysis: Causes, symptoms, and tips

Have you ever got up at night and you are not able to move or feel helpless? If yes, then you are not alone, everyone once in their lifetime has experienced such a situation called as sleep paralysis.

What is Sleep Paralysis?

Sleep paralysis is an inclination of being not able to move, either at the beginning of sleep or after waking up. The person's senses and awareness are intact, however, they may feel as though there is tension on them, or as though they are stifling. They might also feel like there is some kind of pressure on their bodies.

Paralysis Episodes are often accompanied by experiences that are hypnagogic, which may be visual, auditory, and sensory hallucinations. Sleep paralysis is brief and not dangerous, but rather the individual may recall it as frightful and horrifying

It could be joined by hallucinations and intense fear. Sleep paralysis isn't hazardous, however, it can cause anxiety. It can occur close by other sleep issues, like narcolepsy.

Causes Of Sleep Paralysis

There can be numerous explanations for paralysis. This can be seen in adolescents for the most part. Nonetheless, it can happen to anybody.

  • Changes In Sleep Schedule: On many occasions, individuals tackle responsibilities that require change. When our lifestyle changes, our timings to sleep also change, and it may cause issues. The quick change in sleeping timetable may cause sleeping paralysis.
  • Mental Disorders: Bipolar problems, uneasiness, despondency, temperament swings, character change issues, and so on are the mental conditions that may cause sleeping paralysis.
  • Stress: If you are under stress of any kind, be it professional or personal, you are more likely to experience sleep paralysis
    Certain Sleep Disorders: Narcolepsy includes terrible motioning of the cerebrum and daytime sluggishness. Though, sleep apnea includes unexpected pause and beginning of the breathing while at the same time sleeping. Both these conditions are exceptionally answerable for sleep paralysis. But, Sleepsia Bamboo Pillow can help overcome these issues as they are super comfortable and relaxing.
  • Substance Abuse: Usage of drugs, dependence on toxic substances, and the habit of consuming alcohol additionally make a pathway for night paralysis.
  • Family History Of Sleep Paralysis: If this problem runs in the family then you are more likely to experience this condition.
  • Poor sleep hygiene: The environment you are sleeping in also affects the quality of sleep. Poor sleep hygiene means poor quality sleep. And for good sleep hygiene opt for good quality beddings and Sleepsia Queen Bamboo Pillows that are breathable, airy, comfortable and relaxing therefore promoting good sleep.

Symptoms of Sleep Paralysis:

Symptoms may include:

  1. Difficulty breathing
  2. feeling as if you're going to die
  3. sweating
  4. muscle aches
  5. headaches
  6. paranoia
  7. hypnagogic and hypnopompic experiences (HHEs), which are described as hallucinations during, right before, or after sleep
  8. feeling fear
  9. feeling as if something is pushing you down
  10. Feeling like someone or something is in the room

Paralysis episodes typically end on their own and are not life-threatening, But may horrify you.

You are aware of what's happening but you are not able to move or speak during these episodes.

Who are at higher risk of experiencing Sleep Paralysis Episodes?

Although anyone can experience paralysis, some groups may be at higher risk of experiencing such episodes,

People with the following conditions are at higher risk:

  1. Insomnia
  2. Narcolepsy
  3. anxiety disorders
  4. major depression
  5. bipolar disorder
  6. post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

In the event that you get yourself unable to move or speak a couple of moments or minutes while nodding off or waking up, at that point, it is likely you have isolated recurrent sleep paralysis. Frequently there is no need to treat this condition.

But Prevention is better than cure so, Check with your doctor in the following events

  1. You feel restless or anxious about your symptoms
  2. Your side effects leave you exceptionally drained during the day
  3. Your symptoms keep you up during the night

How to treat Sleep paralysis?

The vast majority need no treatment for sleep paralysis. Treating any basic conditions, for example, narcolepsy may help on the off chance that you are on edge or unfit to sleep well. These medicines may incorporate the accompanying:

  1. Improving sleep habits -, for example, ensuring you get six to eight hours of sleep every evening
  2. Utilizing antidepressant medicines, if prescribed to help direct sleep cycles
  3. Treating any emotional well-being issues that may add to sleep paralysis
  4. Treating some other sleep problems, for example, narcolepsy or leg cramps
  5. Using the right kind of pillows and mattresses for better sleep

Prevent Sleep paralysis

Following steps can prevent sleep paralysis:

  1. Fix your Sleep schedule
  2. Get Enough Sleep
  3. Try different sleep position if you sleep on your back
  4. Get yourself a comfortable pillow just like Sleepsia Bamboo Pillow that induces sleep.

Final Word

If you are experiencing sleep paralysis frequently and it is interfering with your daily sleep then you should surely consult a doctor. But once in a blue moon, episodes of paralysis are harmless. If these episodes are bothering your sleep schedule then try using Bamboo Pillow. These pillows are great as they are comfortable and relaxing.

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