Your car is hot? Warning — it’s not a good sign!

Author : Eada hudes
Publish Date : 2021-05-17 16:19:20
Your car is hot? Warning — it’s not a good sign!

Hotcakes, tea, and even buns are awesome. But hot cars are troublesome! Well, we all know it. As soon as you see the smoke coming out of your bonnet, you understand that your car is sizzling. But what you often don’t know is what to do in such a situation! (Apart from panicking!) That’s why there’s an urgency to read this post now and with all your attention.

Urgent steps to take when your car overheats!

Mostly, your car overheats because of a faulty radiator that isn’t working any longer. Obviously, the heat from the fluid in the car is not transferred to the outer air in this case and the engine gets heated. The best solution in this case is to replace it with a new, good quality Fenix radiator from Status Performance Products. They've got the best quality radiators and other important parts for your car’s proper working at reasonable rates. To resume, there might be some other reasons for your car overheating like lack of servicing, too hot weather, etc. But these tricks listed below should always be followed immediately to keep your car safe and sound in such a situation.

  • Add a coolant immediately— Always make it a point to carry a coolant with you in the car. When it shows issues like this, you can get out of the vehicle and pour some in your engine. Your engine also overheats if the level of coolant is very low in the vehicle. Apart from this, regularly carry a water bottle at least. It can turn very handy to decrease the temperature of the car in such situations.
  • Turn off your air conditioner/heater — Another quick way to deal with the increasing temperature of the vehicle is by switching off the air conditioner or heater. It’s commonly known that these two systems do put a lot of stress on your engine and increase the heat issue.
  • Just stop the car and wait — Another simple way to deal with a heating engine is to park your car at the nearest safe location and simply open its bonnet and wait. You will have to wait for some time until the engine cools down reasonably before driving further.
  • Turn up the heat — Sometimes the best trick to deal with a heated car is increasing the temperature in your vehicle. We know you'd be tempted to switch on the air conditioner and let the car feel cooler inside. But here the solution is to turn up the heater so that the heat is exerted out in the vehicle and the engine becomes cooler within no time.
  • Reach out for a mechanic — There might be a technical issue in your vehicle -- there can be a leakage in the radiator or any other part of the engine that brings out this heat issue in the vehicle. And no matter what you do, tackling it won't be that easy. In such a case, don't wait -- rush towards the car mechanic. They will look into the matter and solve it immediately.

So, the next time your car chooses to heat up in the middle of the road, you now know what urgent steps you should take to cool it down.

Category : general

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