how do alcohol and cocaine work?

Author : ghamkol_rehab
Publish Date : 2021-05-06 07:44:09
how do alcohol and cocaine work?

cocaine is one of the most frequently used illegal drugs in Pakistan. The typical high makes the consumer self-confident and eloquent, drives away shyness and (social) inhibitions. In addition, the consumption triggers a euphoric mood. In addition, many cocaine users report increased sexual desire or an intensified sexual experience. Alcohol, which has a very similar effect, puts you in a good mood, disinhibits, and loosens the tongue. At the same time, alcohol has a depressant effect that helps people fall asleep more quickly and is perceived by many consumers as relaxing. there a lot of drug addiction treatments in Lahore but some are good.

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In addition to this desired effect, both drugs have various side effects that can be registered on both a physical and a psychological level. Both substances remove water from the body, cause blood pressure to rise, and disrupt brain chemistry. Hallucinations and perception disorders can occur, especially with very high doses. In the worst case, it comes to suicidal thoughts and/or psychosis. In addition, the disinhibiting effect can lead to an increased potential for aggression, and strong mood swings can occur after consuming alcohol or cocaine.

How does cocaine work with alcohol?

The dangerous side effects and possible negative consequences that even the separate consumption of cocaine and ethanol can produce are amplified many times over when both substances are taken together. In general, the greater the amounts of cocaine and alcohol that are consumed at the same time, the higher the potential risk to the body and mind. Even so, even small amounts can be enough to cause life-threatening consequences. However, permanent, i.e. regular mixed consumption and the effects of any extenders are particularly dangerous: If the white powder is mixed with rat poison or other intoxicating substances such as heroin or crystal meth, the side effects of mixed consumption can be much more severe. and day by day consumers will be drug-addicted.

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Those who drink a lot of alcohol run the risk of alcohol poisoning. This risk is maximized when coke is consumed at the same time: the crystalline powder ensures that the effects of alcoholic beverages are noticeably reduced. Those affected feel less drunk than they actually are. At the same time, the willingness to take risks and emotional instability grow with the rising alcohol level after cocaine use. After the mixed consumption of both substances, those affected are more likely to notice aggressive behavior with which they endanger themselves or others. The wrong self-assessment is extremely risky in road traffic, for example. 

Alcohol and coke are both dehydrating. This means that the substances remove water from the body, while at the same time the cardiovascular system is stimulated by the activating effects of the substances. As a result, the cardiovascular system is subjected to severe stress, which can cause overheating. It is not uncommon for this to end with a circulatory collapse, loss of consciousness, or a heart attack. Consumers who also smoke also increase the risk of suffering a stroke.

Many (illegal) drugs are broken down in the human body via the kidneys or liver. This is also the case with the effects of coke and alcohol. After the drug consumption, both organs are accordingly intensively busy breaking down the toxic substances or rendering them harmless. This is made even more difficult if cocaine is consumed after the consumption of alcohol: In this case, a so-called transesterification takes place in the liver. This chemical reaction occurs when ethanol and coke have to be broken down at the same time. This creates the metabolite cocaethylene. Although this metabolic product has very similar effects to ordinary cocaine, it has a longer half-life. This means that this substance stays in the body much longer and can cause greater damage there.

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