Going for car insurance is the first thing you do after buying a vehicle. It not only ensures complete security of the vehicle, but also reduces the financial burden from your shoulders if anything goes wrong with the car. We are sure you read the offer document very carefully when you signed the insurance papers. But do you know even after going through all these terms and conditions, there are certain terms which are very important, and the insurance companies never tell you about them? We think you should be aware of these at all costs.
Half information can sometimes be the biggest loss you have to bear. Even in motor insurance -- when you don’t know half the facts about it, how are you going to take complete advantage of this policy? Sometimes, even if you try, the motor insurance company won’t always tell you the exact facts candidly. So, we thought of helping you hereby bringing all the necessary details below:
Now even you will agree that this information is really crucial for you. If you want to know about these in detail or more such hidden facts, ask your insurance agent clearly.
- Bearings vary depending on the material, with steel, ceramic or plastic bearings for different uses.
- Driving makes you happy! Yes, it’s the truth and a tested study. Lots of drivers claim that they find ultimate happiness when they are behind
- Sleep sometimes has this weird habit. It doesn’t bless your senses when you are in bed but makes you feel drowsy as soon as you start doing something
- Going for car insurance is the first thing you do after buying a vehicle. It not only ensures complete security of the vehicle