Whenever you make any major or sometimes even minor investment, chances are you’ll need a loan to do it. From buying a car to buying a house or in this case a tractor, everyone needs financial helps sometimes. Regardless of whether you’ve been a farmer for a long time or if you’re just taking up farming as a hobby, being a farmer in today’s world means being able to manage a lot of capital up-front in order to make your farming business a profitable one. To ensure your farming business is a success, you require the right tools and equipment to produce high-yielding crops. Hence, one of the most important things in the farming sector is being able to access loans with the best loan policies that are specially created keeping your situation and needs in mind.
So say you decide to apply for a loan to buy yourself a 60 HP Tractor. What will this process entail? First, you’ll have to make an appointment with the bank. Then, endure their long wait time followed by a wastage of money & time and don’t forget that you have to make the journey and then come back where they “will let you know” if you’ll get the loan or not.
We’ll come out and say it - this seems like such an unnecessary process just to get some equipment for your farm so you can help feed the nation. This is why we asked ourselves - can the experience of long-term financing be made easier for the consumer by the brands these people/organisations are committing to associate themselves with, especially if it’s on a long-term basis?
The short answer is Yes! A lot of brands are already doing it including Digitrac. Digitrac is an
online platform that is also a manufacturer of some of the best tractor models in India. We
are a brand trusted by many. We offer a multitude of products and services to our
customers everything from a 50 HP tractor, or even a 60 HP tractor. Here are some of the unique tractor services that we offer:
Now, let’s talk about our first service mentioned above in a little more detail. Acquiring a loan that’s feasible in terms of the interest rate, premium rates, etc., and the payback policy for any farmer is very important as it helps them purchase the equipment they need. At Digitrac, we try to give you a loan with a policy that benefits your specific needs. Here are the three main reasons why you should choose Digitrac if you want to get a tractor loan online:
Time Saving Process -
When you apply for a loan with Digitrac, you don’t have to wait in long queues, fill out a bunch of paperwork, sign multiple terms and conditions that you simply can’t wrap your head around. To acquire a loan with us, simply click click your way to our website read the details of different policies & loans, and choose the one that best suits your needs & click apply. It’s that easy!
One-Stop-Shop -
Digitrac is a one-stop-shop for every farmer who wants to buy a tractor online and also get a loan for it. You can also get tractor attachments and tractor insurance with us. Basically, if you need anything at all related to a tractor or get your hands on some of the best tractor models in India just visit our website.
Just A Click Away -
The best part about us is you can get all these services ranging from tractor loans to tractor attachments & tractor insurance from the comfort of your home. We even bring your dream tractor to a time & location of your choice for tractor demos - you can unlock all these tractor services with just a few clicks.
Digitrac is not just a tractor manufacturer, it is a complete ecosystem for all your tractor needs.
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