For the lease and property issues hire a property case lawyer through law firm in Lahore Pakistan Jamila Law Associates. Whether an unregistered sale agreement would create a title in the immovable property for assessment of income tax? Question of validity was challenged by the property case lawyer through law firm in Lahore Pakistan. In the instant case, the assessee under the law was the owner of property subject-matter of the agreement for all practical purposes, including assessment for income tax and, consequently, without property transfer in the name of the prospective buyer in a manner recognized under the law; its status would remain unchallenged.
View taken by Appellate Tribunal and High Court did not align with the law. Civil appeal allowed/case remanded. Suit for declaration and injunction was filed. Lease Deed for 99 years executed in the plaintiff's favor regarding suit plot based on Deh Form-Val by its alleged owner. Such form was not of the nature of holding of land its alleged owner claimed by the property case lawyer through law firm in Lahore Pakistan. Lessor to make a lease or sub-lease of 99 years must have a similar right of lease or perpetual ownership to transfer the land of lease or sub-lease to the lessee. Such a Form would not create good ownership or any other right in favor of its alleged owner-Lease Deed of 99 years executed based on such a Form would not confer any right in favor of the plaintiff. Lease as none possessed by its alleged owner -lessor. Plaintiff had failed to make out a case of ownership of suit plot based on such Form to substantiate his cause of action--plaint rejected in the circumstances.
Suit for declaration and permanent injunction filed by the property case lawyer through law firm in Lahore Pakistan --Sale of land-- Attestation of mutation--cancellation of mutation by Collector on vendor's application--Suit by vendee challenging such order of Collector dismissed by Trial Court and Appellate Court, but decreed by High Court in revision--exchange of suit-land by vendor with land owned by intervene during pendency of revision in High Court--Petition for leave to appeal before Supreme Court filed by intervener and not by vendor- Validity---Vendor had substituted intervener for his own stead to contest case-Intervener had got no independent and separate right to claim an opportunity of hearing, contest or to be impleaded in proceedings as he had not entered into process of litigation through permission of Court Intervener could not take contest of case by claiming an independent right to proceedings.
In view of provision of S.52 of Transfer of Property Act, 1882---Intervener had got no independent right to claim setting aside of impugned judgment and could not be allowed to do so---intervene was claiming exchange and not Sale of suit-land--Supreme Court dismissed petition for leave to appeal in circumstances through property case lawyer through law firm in Lahore Pakistan.
Suit for declaration and permanent injunction--- plaintiff claimed to have suit property purchased for consideration of Rs.1100 through the unregistered document. Defendant/subsequent vendee through registered sale-deed alleged that copy in favor of plaintiff being unregistered was inadmissible in evidence. It had obtained that same from a vendor through fraud and misrepresentation. Our lawyer in Lahore Pakistan is here for services of all kind of cases.
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