effects of alcohol and cocaine on mental health ?

Author : ghamkol_rehab
Publish Date : 2021-05-06 08:11:41
effects of alcohol and cocaine on mental health ?

Cocaine and the brain

Interestingly, it is assumed in neuropsychological research that the genetic disposition for drug addiction plays a relatively large role. The reason is that genes control the neuronal reactions in the end and midbrain (including the nucleus accumbens), that is, at the place where cocaine acts through increased dopamine release. This released dopamine causes euphoric feelings and ultimately constitutes the substance's potential for addiction. Genetic predisposition thus influences the brain's reaction to certain stimuli and thus the likelihood that a person will develop psychological dependence, for example on drugs, alcohol, sex, or gambling. We, humans, are not at the mercy of our genes, however, because drug abuse is a learning process, a stimulus-reaction chain that has been learned and can also be unlearned again. Incidentally, cocaine does not have an intoxicating effect on everyone. The shot can also backfire and lead to a massive deterioration in the mood even during the drug intoxication.

Drug Addiction Treatment Centre in Lahore

From a learning theory perspective, addiction development is operant conditioning: a certain behavior (drug use) is reinforced by an apparent reward (dopamine release). The feelings that are generated by ingestion, e.g. euphoria, act as the primary intensifier. These feelings initially dampen the previously felt emotions such as emptiness, reluctance, or fear. In addition, the chemical reactions in the brain also lead to so-called secondary enhancers, e.g. increased sociability. This behavior can initially lead to the removal of the previously experienced social isolation. in this situation, the patient can visit Psychiatric Treatment Center in Lahore. For primary and secondary amplifiers, I speak of "first", because after the effect has subsided, the consumer is very clearly confronted with his own reality (e.g. inner disaffection and loneliness), which is often felt even more dramatically under the influence of a drug hangover than before consumption. The resulting feeling, which can range from inner emptiness to despair to suicide risk, increases the need to take the intoxicant again. And here it is again, the vicious circle.  

Coke and Alcohol: Effects on Mental Health:

The constant use of various drugs such as cocaine and alcohol also causes great damage to the psyche. With every dose, the risk of permanent disorders increases: A psychosis with hallucinations and delusions can, for example, become irreversible and sometimes even cannot be fully regulated within the framework of therapeutic treatment. In addition, people who regularly smoke or sniff cocaine and at the same time consume alcoholic beverages are noticeable for their rather non-social behavior and strong emotional coldness. The risk of developing depression or anxiety and panic attacks also increases.

Which is worse: alcohol or cocaine?

Drugs like alcohol or cocaine always have a negative impact on the human organism. How harmful the substances can be can often be seen the very next day: Anyone who has sniffed or swallowed the white powder feels burned out, suffers from depressive moods, and is powerless and limp. On the other hand, those affected often suffer from a so-called hangover after excessive alcohol consumption: headaches, nausea, fatigue, and other physical consequences make the day after drinking an ordeal. The health risks associated with both substances are enormous, although the dose and frequency of consumption can be decisive. The same applies to other psychoactive substances such as cannabis or ecstasy. They are also often consumed together with alcoholic beverages,

Drug Addiction Treatment Centre in Lahore

Another factor that should not be neglected when mixing different drugs is the risk of becoming physically or psychologically dependent. Alcohol and cocaine both have a high potential for addiction and can quickly lead to alcohol or cocaine addiction, from which those affected can then no longer escape independently. Addictions set in more quickly, especially with long-term consumption and larger quantities. In therapy, detoxification has first priority and takes place under controlled medical conditions. Medicines help patients during alcohol and cocaine withdrawal to stabilize and to minimize the high loads on the organism. Subsequently, the individual addiction history should be processed and strategies should be learned in order to permanently avoid the chronic consumption of legal or illegal intoxicants. there are a lot of Psychiatric Treatment Center in Lahore

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