alcohol attract childrens ?

Author : ghamkol_rehab
Publish Date : 2021-04-06 10:11:32
alcohol attract childrens ?

How alcoholism develops in children:

You also need to know that children and adolescents who have alcoholism develop very quickly. And if in adults the transition from ordinary drunkenness to alcoholism, depending on the intensity of drunkenness, takes from 5 to 10 years, then the development of chronic alcoholism in adolescents occurs 3–4 times faster, sometimes excluding the stage of regular consumption. In addition, the faster the formation of alcoholism, the more irreversible its consequences. This phenomenon is explained as follows. A child’s brain tissue contains much more water and less protein than an adult. Alcohol dissolves especially well in water. And the absorption of alcohol in a child’s body is faster than in an adult. Only 7% of the absorbed alcohol is excreted by the kidneys and lungs. The remaining 93% are oxidized in the body itself and act as a poison that meets virtually no opposition. In childhood and adolescence, alcohol is particularly damaging to the liver, which is still in its developmental stage. Toxic damage to liver cells leads to disruption of protein and carbohydrate metabolism, the synthesis of vitamins and enzymes. The heart, lungs, stomach, hematopoietic organs, endocrine, and nervous systems react negatively to the presence of alcohol in the body. Alcohol also interferes with kidney function. Active kidney cells die, therefore, the body is less free from harmful toxins. Therefore, a young man who often drinks alcohol is constantly in a state of poisoning: on the one hand, alcohol itself is a strong poison, and on the other, non-disinfected substances accumulate in the tissues of all organs, which interfere with the further growth and development of the body. Alcohol weakens inhibits and inhibits the development of all organs and systems. The younger the body, the more destructive the effect of the alcoholic poison on it. This determines the high mortality rate among adolescents and young men suffering from alcoholism. A healthy child cannot have a craving for alcohol. On the contrary, the taste and smell of alcoholic beverages disgust him. Why does the initial rejection not exclude the possibility that the child will become addicted to alcohol in the future? What makes children overcome their aversion to alcohol and become slaves to alcohol as a result? Studies have found that adolescents are attracted not by the taste of alcoholic beverages, but by their effect, causing a state of intoxication. At the very beginning, the degree of intoxication in most adolescents who try alcohol is mild, associated with a feeling of a surge of energy and the emergence of a sense of comfort, as well as an increase in mood or with elements of foolishness. With such a degree of intoxication, alcohol intoxication is not yet expressed, there is no loss of self-control. For a slight deviation in behavior, no one scolds, in this state the teenager does not end up in the police. Thus, he develops the idea that alcohol consumption is a completely natural and logical phenomenon in life. However, the need for alcohol is growing very quickly, and in the body, which is still physically fragile, alcohol dependence develops with all its tragic consequences, both for the person himself, who has taken to alcohol early and for society as a whole.

alcohol attract children | Drug Addiction Treatment Centre in Lahore

What are the main incentives for juvenile drinking?

Consider the main reasons for early adolescent alcohol abuse. With such a degree of intoxication, alcohol intoxication is not yet expressed, there is no loss of self-control. For a slight deviation in behavior, no one scolds, in this state the teenager does not end up in the police. Thus, he develops the idea that alcohol consumption is a completely natural and logical phenomenon in life. However, the need for alcohol is growing very quickly, and in the body, which is still physically fragile, alcohol dependence develops with all its tragic consequences, both for the person himself, who has taken to alcohol early and for society as a whole. What are the main incentives for juvenile drinking? Consider the main reasons for early adolescent alcohol abuse. With such a degree of intoxication, alcohol intoxication is not yet expressed, there is no loss of self-control. For a slight deviation in behavior, no one scolds, in this state the teenager does not end up in the police. Thus, he develops the idea that alcohol consumption is a completely natural and logical phenomenon in life. However, the need for alcohol is growing very quickly, and in the body, which is still physically fragile, alcohol dependence develops with all its tragic consequences, both for the person himself, who has taken to alcohol early and for society as a whole. What are the main incentives for juvenile drinking? Consider the main reasons for early adolescent alcohol abuse. in such a state, the teenager does not end up in the police. Thus, he develops the idea that alcohol consumption is a completely natural and logical phenomenon in life. However, the need for alcohol is growing very quickly, and in the body, which is still physically fragile, alcohol dependence develops with all its tragic consequences, both for the person himself, who has taken to alcohol early and for society as a whole. What are the main incentives for juvenile drinking? Consider the main reasons for early adolescent alcohol abuse. in such a state, the teenager does not end up in the police. Thus, he develops the idea that alcohol consumption is a completely natural and logical phenomenon in life. However, the need for alcohol is growing very quickly, and in the body, which is still physically fragile, alcohol dependence develops with all its tragic consequences, both for the person himself, who has taken to alcohol early and for society as a whole. What are the main incentives for juvenile drinking? Consider the main reasons for early adolescent alcohol abuse. alcohol dependence develops with all its tragic consequences, both for the person himself, who early adopt alcohol and for society as a whole. What are the main incentives for juvenile drinking? Consider the main reasons for early adolescent alcohol abuse. alcohol dependence develops with all its tragic consequences, both for the person himself, who early adopt alcohol and for society as a whole. What are the main incentives for juvenile drinking? Consider the main reasons for early adolescent alcohol abuse.

Category : health

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