How to treat a drug addict person ?

Author : ghamkol_rehab
Publish Date : 2021-04-05 09:36:33
How to treat a drug addict person ?

Impact of drug addiction on the institution of the family :


Needless to say, drug addiction provides a solid foundation for the deep crisis of the Pakistan institution of the family — Pakistan is one of the leading countries in terms of the number of abandoned children.
 To date, drug addiction treatment in the territory of Pakistan is carried out exclusively after obtaining voluntary consent from the addict. But compulsory drug addiction treatment is possible only if the person in need of help was brought to criminal responsibility, that is, by a court order.

Nevertheless, from year to year, the number of the Pakistan population supporting the introduction of compulsory drug addiction treatment is constantly growing. Many are firmly convinced that a drug addict is not able to get rid of his addiction on his own, therefore, the number of addicts can be reduced only by violent methods. Relatives, desperate to fight the addiction of a loved one, consider drug addiction treatment without the patient’s knowledge to be the only chance of salvation. And many are simply tired of meeting drug addicts on the streets of their hometown, posing a potential danger to the lives of their children, and would like them to undergo compulsory rehabilitation.

Drug Addiction Treatment Centre in Lahore

Rehabilitation of drug addicts :

However, individuals who are “against” the compulsory approach to drug addiction treatment are firmly convinced that the rehabilitation of drug addicts without the informed consent of the latter is impossible. After all, in order to cope with the most complex drug addiction, it is necessary, first of all, not house arrest, but an iron internal motivation, a person’s desire to get rid of the addiction in order to subsequently start a new, healthy life. Otherwise, any efforts on the part of relatives or society are simply futile. At one time, Soviet society has already faced the experience of compulsory drug and alcohol addiction treatment, which was crowned with failure.

Thus, drug-addicted people were forced to enter medical and labor dispensaries at a compulsory level. However, upon leaving the LTP, they, without proper motivation for a speedy recovery, either died from a drug overdose after prolonged abstinence or again ended up in rehabilitation centers. Consequently, the entire spectrum of budgetary funds that were spent on saving Soviet citizens from drugs was wasted. Today, many are categorically against repeating history, therefore they say a categorical “no” to such a phenomenon as compulsory drug addiction treatment. In GHAMKOL decent rehab center, the treatment of drug addicts involves the use of not only special knowledge but also practical experience, for which they often involve specialists from abroad, doctors who have undergone training in well-known clinics.

Is there a future in compulsory drug addiction treatment?

Why is compulsory drug addiction treatment today nothing more than a failed relic of the past? First of all, in the successful treatment of drug addiction, the key role is played not by modern methods of dealing with a deadly habit, but by the addict’s motivation to independently accept the need to undergo treatment. However, in order for the story of the notorious LTP not to repeat itself, the state should tirelessly strive to use the most modern methods of treatment and subsequent rehabilitation at a professional level to rid citizens of drug addiction. Unfortunately, in some cases, assistance to the addict can be provided exclusively within the framework of compulsory hospitalization.

Depending on whether a person voluntarily or forcibly came to be treated for fatal addiction, it is necessary to create all the necessary conditions for comprehensive and high-quality rehabilitation of the patient. Any treatment should be carried out with the use of professional psychotherapy, as well as on the basis of progressive drugs.

Drug Addiction Treatment Centre in Lahore

Highly qualified psychotherapeutic work of specialists, both with an addicted person and with his family and friends, gives the patient a chance to realize how important the course of drug addiction treatment is, and, therefore, to get the desired motivation to return to a healthy society as soon as possible.

Remember, drug addiction is by no means a bad habit, but a scientifically proven disease and threat to life, for this reason, the attitude towards a drug addict in the case of compulsory treatment should be humane by default and fully comply with all standards of psychotherapy and modern medical practice. Only if all the above circumstances are met, this method of treatment is eligible for use.


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