what are the effects of alcohol on daily life?

Author : ghamkol_rehab
Publish Date : 2021-05-10 10:02:35
what are the effects of alcohol on daily life?

Alcohol is a poison that our body has to laboriously break down again. In the long run, alcohol consumption damages our entire organism, and the liver, in particular, becomes susceptible to diseases. If you often look too deep into the glass, you might want to take a break from alcohol. You'll be amazed at the sometimes unexpected things that happen when you do the drug banish from your life.

More on this: Signs that you cannot tolerate alcohol

You sleep more restlessly (for the time being)
A study shows that when we drink before going to bed, those patterns become active in the brain that is otherwise present in the resting waking state. The result is restless sleep.

Another study suggests that drunk people initially fall asleep, but after this phase, the quality of sleep deteriorates noticeably. If you stop drinking in the evening, you may find it harder to fall asleep. But once you have found your way into the land of dreams, there is a much better recovery effect through sleep. That means better mood and concentration.

More on this: Sleep goes with age

You eat less in the evening
Alcohol is one of the main reasons for Cravingsand overeating. In fact, studies show that people under the influence of alcohol eat up to 30 percent more than without beer and Co. According to researchers, this is due to the increased sensitivity of some senses through alcohol. Due to the stimulation of the hypothalamus, we experience food smells more intensely, which induce us to feast more. And who doesn't know that: After a long party, you'd like to join in pizza and stuff the kebab.

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More on this: What does my body want in case of cravings?

You have more desire for sweets
The liquid drug increases the release of dopamine in the brain, which gives us pleasure.
Sugar has the same effect, which is why we tend to go for donuts, chocolate, and gummy bears if we don't drink alcohol.
You will find great alternatives if you are in the mood for something sweet here.
More on this: Chips and chocolate are genetically determined

You lose weight
With spirits, you take in a lot of (empty) additional calories unnoticed, which slowly but surely settle on your hips. A margarita already has 250-300 kilocalories, most of it assumes sugar. If you stop drinking and don't raid the candy drawer instead, you'll lose a few pounds and a few inches around your stomach and hips. Those who don't want to weigh themselves will find here Alternatives.

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If we want to relax, we drink - the first glass of Aperol Spritz and the vacation can begin; if something good happens, we drink - champagne is used to toast the promotion, the wedding, the reunion; when something bad happens, we drink - our best friend and a bottle of wine often seem the only thing that helps with lovesickness.
In fact, people also choose to (temporarily) abstain from alcohol to see how abstinence changes their body, psyche, and life. Hardly anyone will dispute that alcohol has an impact on health. The World Health Organization (WHO) has taken the position that you cannot define a safe amount for alcohol consumption. The more people drink, the more the risk of diseases such as heart attack, stroke, and various types of cancer increases.

Category : health

what are the effects of alcohol on daily life?

what are the effects of alcohol on daily life?

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