what are the effects of cocaine and heroine?

Author : ghamkol_rehab
Publish Date : 2021-05-04 10:21:09
what are the effects of cocaine and heroine?

Ecstasy, crystal meth, and speed:
Ecstasy, speed, or crystal meth are known as mood enhancers and party drugs. The substances are characterized by a stimulating effect on the central nervous system and belong to the group of amphetamines. The particular risk with these drugs is not only the risk of addiction and serious health effects but also their high mortality rate, for which the poor purity of the substances is responsible. Ecstasy, MDMA in particular, but also crystal meth, are mixed with various, sometimes highly toxic, substances so that consumption can cause symptoms of poisoning or even become life-threatening. Other possible physical drug use consequences are:

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Liver disease
  • diabetes
  • Malnutrition or malnutrition
  • Chronic lack of sleep
  • Memory, word-finding, or concentration disorders
  • Optical, physical decline (crystal meth)


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In addition, many of the so-called party drugs are often mixed with other psychotropic substances. For example, many young people drink alcohol after taking ecstasy pills. This mixed consumption can lead to further dangerous side effects and sequelae.


Cocaine is one of the stimulating substances and has one of the highest potentials for psychological dependence. Even small amounts can be enough to trigger drug addiction. In addition, cocaine harbors great dangers for further physical harm. These include:

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A disturbed immune system
Chronic nosebleeds
Weight loss and malnutrition or malnutrition
Liver, heart, and kidney damage
Concentration, performance, and drive disorders


Many people consider heroin to be a particularly powerful and very dangerous drug. Despite the threat to body and soul, there are still people who “just want to try heroin”. Even a single use can cause drug addiction and lead to health, psychological and social crashes. There is an increased risk of:

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A fatal overdose
Liver damage
Gastrointestinal discomfort (constipation)
Tooth loss and tooth decay
A weakened immune system
Inadequate hygienic conditions during consumption (shared syringes) can also lead to infectious diseases such as HIV or hepatitis.

Psychological consequences of drug use

The effects of illegal drugs and legal narcotics such as alcohol briefly create euphoric moods, feelings of happiness, relaxation, and stress reduction in the consumer. In the long term, however, various structures in the brain change under the influence of the effect, which in the long term can cause mental illnesses and disorders. Regardless of the substance consumed, the addictive substances trigger the following mental disorders, among others:

Anxiety and panic attacks
Personality changes
Psychoses and hallucinations
Thoughts or acts of suicide
The consumption of addictive substances can be particularly serious for adolescents, as these are still in their development and are therefore even more susceptible to the negative aspects of addiction. The brain is also much more sensitive than in adults. Depression, in particular, but also permanent psychological disorders such as irreversible psychoses, occur more frequently in drug consumption in adolescence.

Social consequences of drug addiction

Those who consume illegal drugs not only burden the body and psyche but also increasingly go into social failure. Because the thoughts, feelings, and actions of those affected are increasingly narrowed down to the consumption of addictive substances, they neglect other important areas of life, such as family, friends, hobbies, or work. In addition, there are mental illnesses and financial problems that additionally isolate. In addition, there are many addicts who try to hide the fact that they are taking drugs and therefore consciously withdraw from their familiar social environment. People who are dependent on high-priced drugs or who suffer from severe physical dependence are usually hit particularly badly. It's getting harder and harder for them.

if a person is recovering from drugs and can't back to the normal routine then he should treatment at Best Rehab Center.

Category : health

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