Home Maintenance 101: How To Maintain Your Outdoor House Appliances?

Author : Eada hudes
Publish Date : 2021-07-26 21:51:26
Home Maintenance 101: How To Maintain Your Outdoor House Appliances?

When we talk about home appliances, we mainly talk about interior home appliances. But, if you look around, your home may have exterior appliances as well. Caring for & maintaining these exterior appliances is a crucial aspect in ensuring that your home stays safe and in perfect shape.

Thus, in this comprehensive blog, we’ll be taking a deeper look at some of the exterior appliances that homeowners tend to own and the ways through which you can take care of them. 

Exterior Home Appliance #1: The Snowblower (Winter Season)

Maintenance Tips

  • Before Using Empty The Fuel Tank

According to a professional service provider offering a thorough home inspection in St Simons, the ideal practice is to empty the fuel tank of your snowblower at the end of every season. If you don't empty the fuel tank, then it puts pressure on the carburettor, which can lead to failures. As a result, your snowblower will not be usable during the winter season. Sometimes, fuel lines also get damaged. 

  • Replace Worn Out Spark Plugs

Again, at the end of each season, you have to check in on the spark plugs of your snowblower. Proceed to clean any debris that might have accumulated around your spark plug. You can also wash it using a wire brush and a plug cleaner.

If you notice that the spark plug has worn out, then don't hesitate to simply replace the same. Bad spark plugs will not let you start your snowblower. Furthermore, the overall performance will also be decreased as a result. There's the risk of other component failures too. Purchasing a new spark plug will prove to be a cheap & worthy investment for your snowblower in the long run. 

  • Maintaining Correct Tyre Pressure

It can be a challenging task to move around your snowblower, especially when there is n imbalance in the tyre pressure. Some new snowblowers come with airless tyres, if your snowblower has normal tyres then the pressure must be regulated correctly. The ideal pressure must be around 15 to 20 PSI (check the manual of your snowblower for guidance). 

Exterior Home Appliance #2: The Lawn Mower (Any Season)

Maintenance Tips

  • Keeping The Blades Sharp & Clean

Any debris that gets accumulated on the blades of the lawnmower will directly hinder performance. This will lead to faster wear & tear of the blades. Thus, cleaning should be done after every use. 

Moreover, sharpening of the blades should be done at least once per year. If your lawnmower has dull blades, then grasses will not be cut efficiently.

  • Giving It A Thorough Cleaning

Apart from taking care of your lawnmower blades, you also need to give your lawnmower a thorough cleaning at least a few times every year. You can easily wash your lawnmower with your garden hose. Moreover, be sure to clean beneath the deck. 

Lastly, you also have to periodically clean the engine of your lawnmower with an engine degreaser. Ensure that you remove the spark plug before proceeding with the cleaning process and you'll be good to go.

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